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JSON - A quick overview

  • JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation
  • JSON is a syntax for storing data in Formbird
  • JSON makes it possible to store javascript objects as text.

JSON Syntax

  • Data is stored in key/value pairs eg: "name":"Fred" - where the key is "name" and the value is "Fred"
  • Data is separated by commas eg:
  • All data in Formbird is stored in the JSON syntax
  • Curly braces hold objects, and in Formbird, everything is an object. We refer to this base object as a 'document' eg:
    "name":"Fred s",  
  • Square brackets hold 'arrays' - an array is simply a list of data.
  • An array is the 'value' of a key/value pair eg:
  • The value of a key/value pair can be an object eg:
    "name": {  
  • Arrays can hold objects too eg:
    "name": {  
        {"name":"Jane Smith"},
        {"name":"John Jones"}
  • This basic structure can be as deep as necessary - for example arrays can contain objects which themselves can contain arrays.