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1 Purpose

This document is a user guide for the sc-reference-no component as of version 5.1.

sc-reference-no places a read only reference number field on a form, generally for the purpose of generating and displaying a reference number for a document created using the form.

A pre-requisite for sc-reference-no is the existance of a Counter document having at least one Counter field that stores its last generated reference number (an integer value).

A Counter field value is incremented by one each time it is used to generate a reference number.

Hence to generate a reference number, a sc-reference-no field definition specifies which Counter document and Counter field to use.

The process of creating the Counter document is described in Section 3 Creating a Counter Document.

The sc-reference-no definition provides fields for setting the properties of the reference number field and is fully described below.

2 Definition

sc-reference-no is defined by a set of name/value pair fields consisting of:

  • Required system fields
  • Required customizable fields
  • Optional customizable fields


  1. Default values for fields described in the tables below are shown in bold text.

2.1 Required System Fields

Field Valid Values Description
componentName sc-reference-no The component name.

"componentName": "sc-reference-no"

2.2 Required Customizable Fields

Field Valid Values Description
counterDocumentId Counter document documentId The documentId of the Counter document used to generate a reference number.
The process of creating the Counter document is described in Section 3 Creating a Counter Document.
counterFieldName Counter field name The name of the counter field in the Counter document used to generate a reference number.
The process of creating the Counter document is described in Section 3 Creating a Counter Document.
format Defines the display format of the reference number.
The format must use a # character to represent the generated reference number. It can optionally include a date format and/or other characters.
If the format contains more than one # character, only the first # character will be replaced by the generated reference number.

To display just the generated reference number, use:
"format": "#"

To display the generated reference number prefixed by the character 'A' plus the date, use:
"format": "A-YYMMDD-#"
name Any value written in camel case Defines the name of the reference number field in the document and database.

"name": "testScReferenceNo"

2.3 Optional Customizable Fields

Field Valid Values Description
fullWidth true The Reference Number field displays full width on the form.

"fullWidth": true
false Default value. The Reference Number field does not display full width on the form.
label Any value Defines the name of the reference number field on the form i.e. the field label.

"label": "Test sc-reference-no"
Defaults to the sc-reference-no field on the form displays without a field label.
visible false The Reference Number field is not visible on the form.

"visible": false
true Default value. The Reference Number field is visible on the form.


3 Creating a Counter Document

To create a Counter document:

Open the Template Editor:



For each needed Counter field, add a name/value pair field to indicate its name and initial integer value.



Click save to create a Counter document, having in this case, 2 counter fields each initialized to zero.


To use the above Counter document and its first Counter field to generate reference numbers, a sc-reference-no definition would contain the two name/value pair fields shown below:

            "counterDocumentId": "4b92ba10-301e-11e9-be5f-f5879a6b18f9",
            "counterFieldName": "testCounter1",

4 Typical Definition

Below is a typical sc-reference-no definition, defined with its required fields plus any optional field whose value is typically other than its default value.

            "componentName": "sc-reference-no",
            "counterDocumentId": "4b92ba10-301e-11e9-be5f-f5879a6b18f9",
            "counterFieldName": "testCounter1",
            "format": "YYMMDD-#",
            "name": "testScReferenceNo",
            "label": "Test sc-reference-no",
            "enabled": false

One or more of the optional fields shown below can be included in the above definition should a value other than their default value be required.

            "fullWidth": true,
            "visible": false,

5 Examples

Example 1

sc-reference-no defined with the typically needed fields.

            "componentName": "sc-reference-no",
            "counterDocumentId": "4b92ba10-301e-11e9-be5f-f5879a6b18f9",
            "counterFieldName": "testCounter1",
            "format": "YYMMDD-#",
            "name": "testScReferenceNo",
            "label": "Test sc-reference-no",
            "enabled": false

Resulting field on the form:


Resulting field on the form after saving a new document:


Resulting field in document and database:

   "testScReferenceNo": "190215-1"

Also in the background the system will update the Counter document, incrementing its testCounter1 field by 1.

    "documentId": "4b92ba10-301e-11e9-be5f-f5879a6b18f9",
    "systemHeader": {
        "templateId": "74746c80-8378-11e6-99b1-71ee944cf59f",
        "systemType": "document",
        "createdWith": "74746c80-8378-11e6-99b1-71ee944cf59f",
        "keyIds": [],
        "createdDate": "2019-02-14T06:11:50.959Z",
        "createdBy": "b7c1e1b0-2b9f-11e6-ac9c-170c531a5a0c",
        "serverUpdatedDate": "2019-02-14T13:00:25.055Z",
        "serverCreatedDate": "2019-02-14T06:11:50.959Z",
        "versionId": "6b0c2bf0-301f-11e9-a354-352b718f55c3",
        "currentVersion": true
    "testCounter1": 1,
    "testCounter2": 0