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ntf Object

Updated pdexter 2024-03-12

The ntf object passed into rulesets has a number of built in sub-objects and properties useful to the ruleset writer.


This object represents the document in memory, as presented on the current browser page, or that is being operated on. As such, it has no specific utility properties common to all usages.

Eg, ntf.document.documentId is the documentId of the document.

Eg, ntf.document.coverColour is the value of the field "coverColour" on the document.

It has the further advantage that any attributes attached to it will persist through the document browser session that the document is opened in. An attribute attached in its OnLoad ruleset will still be present in later calls to OnFieldChange, PreSave and PreSaveServer rulesets.

This can be handy for setting flags if a particular field is set, eg

/// OnFieldChange
ntf.document.flagAssigneeChanged = true

/// PreSave
if (ntf.document.flagAssigneeChanged) {
    // do verification
    delete ntf.document.flagAssigneeChanged;

Caution - changes made to ntf.document during client side rulesets will persist right through to saving, if not removed, and you may end up with extraneous data saved with the document. For this reason, you should delete any such flag properties in PreSave or PreSaveServer.

Note - from Formbird v3.3.1-next.63, ntf.documentSession should be used for storing temporary value. See section below.


ntf.context is an object containing context information for use by a ruleset.

This information varies between different ruleset events. Generally there is a wide difference between server side rulesets (PreSaveServer, PostSave) and client-side (PreRender, OnLoad, OnFieldChange, PreSave, PostSaveClient)

Properties of ntf.context

Property Description Available In
appVersion String; version of the Formbird application all
accountControl Object; content of the user's account-control document all
changeSourceEvent (number); For OnFieldChange, returns a code number defining the original source of the change.
0 = Component, eg a text change
1 = Ruleset
2 = Document Push, eg document has changed on server, and change is pushed through to the document on screen.

This differs from changeSourceType, in that it defines the first change source in a chain of changes, eg, where rulesets make changes to fields in response to an original event.
changeSourceType (number); For OnFieldChange, returns a code number defining the current source of the change.
0 = Component, eg a text change
1 = Ruleset
2 = Document Push, eg document has changed on server, and change is pushed through to the document on screen.

This differs from changeSourceEvent, in that it defines the latest change source in a chain of changes, eg, where rulesets make changes to fields in response to an original event.
eventName String; descriptor of the Event under which this ruleset is occurring
* PostSave
fieldChanged String; The name of the field that triggered OnFieldChange event.
This is set only in OnFieldChange.
hostUrlRoot String; the URL Root of the server. Server-side
isChildDoc Boolean; whether the document is within a child panel of the browser page. Client-side
isNew Boolean; whether the document is new or existing all
newValue (any); The new value of the field that triggered an OnFieldChange event. OnFieldChange
oldValue (any); The previous value of the field that triggered an OnFieldChange event. OnFieldChange
template Object; the full template document of the current document. Client-side
templateId String; The templateId of the current document.
Also generally available through ntf.document.systemHeader.templateId
user Object; The user account document of the current user.
This is the same object as ntf.user.
nb: this is readonly

The following are redundant properties and should be ignored.

Property Description Available In
formParameters Object; not used Client-side
logger Object; not used all
rsLogger Object; not used Server-side
ruleSetDoc Object; not used Server-side
ruleSetId String; not used Server-side
ruleSetLogTemplateId String; not used Server-side

Methods of ntf.context


Applies to Formbird v4.2.11 & later

The isCachingEnabled() method is a part of the OfflineStatusService in Angular, designed to check whether the user has enabled the Formbird offline capability. This method is accessible through client rulesets with ntf.context. Example:


This method is particularly useful for applications that need to adapt their behavior based on the availability of offline capabilities, such as dynamically adjusting data fetching strategies and user notifications.

Note: The isCachingEnabled() method is not available in server-side rulesets. It is exclusively for client-side use in the context of a browser environment.


Applies to client-side rulesets only. Applies to Formbird 4.2.21 & later.

Determines if the form is opened in a modal or in the default form viewer.




Boolean value indicating if the form is opened in a modal (true) or in the default form viewer (false).

// Check if the current template's rule is opened in a modal
var isInModal = ntf.context.isModal();
console.log('Is in Modal:', isInModal);

This function is specifically designed to work within the context of client-side rulesets. It allows for conditional logic based on the display context of the rule (modal or default form viewer). This can be useful for adjusting the behavior or layout of the form depending on how it is being presented to the user.


Applies to Formbird v4.2.11 & later

The isOnline() method, provides a real-time check of the device's current online status. It can be accessed through client rulesets using ntf.context. Example:


This function is essential for applications that need to know the current connectivity status to manage operations accordingly. It helps in making real-time decisions based on the immediate network availability.

Note: It is important to understand that isOnline() only indicates the device's connectivity status at the moment of the check. It should not be assumed that the device will remain online after isOnline() returns true. Network connectivity can be lost subsequent to the check, potentially during an ongoing operation. In such cases, the data service will automatically fall back to using offline data. Therefore, applications should be designed to handle these scenarios gracefully.


ntf.user is basically a copy of the current user's account document.

The most useful properties here for use in rulesets are:

Property Description
documentId String; The current user's account documentId
(In JayRule rulesets, ntf.userId is set to this value anyway)
email String; The current user's email address.


ntf.scope can be considered the toolbag of rulesets.

In general, we assign the object variable ft3 to this object. So for the most part, we can ignore ntf.scope.

It carries all the ruleset functions we use within rulesets. See Ruleset Functions.


Available with Formbird v3.3.1-next.63

ntf.documentSession is a persistent object "bag" which persists for the entire lifecycle of the document, from OnLoad >> OnFieldChange >> PreSave >> PreSaveServer >> PostSave, and across client/server side ruleset events.


--- ONLOAD ---
ruleSetSessionObjects : {
    ruleCondition : true,

    ruleAction : function(ntf) {'dsTimeStamp - ' + ntf.documentSession.dsTimeStamp);
        ntf.documentSession.dsTimeStamp = ft3.moment().format();
        ntf.documentSession.timeStampOB = ft3.moment().toDate();'dsTimeStamp` - ' + ntf.documentSession.dsTimeStamp);


ruleTestSessionObjects : {
    fieldChanged : 'cmdTestDocumentSession',

    ruleAction : function(ntf) {
        var storedString = ntf.documentSession.dsTimeStamp, 
        storedDateOB = ntf.documentSession.timeStampOB;`dsTimeStamp (fieldChanged) - ${storedString}`);`timeStampOB (date) - ${storedDateOB}`);

As demonstrated above, one can set objects within documentSession, however the objects are stringified to JSON in the background, therefore one needs to not set "active" objects, eg with function properties, which would get stripped out.

This should be used to replace previous practice of setting a temporary flag or value on the ntf.document (which was the only persistent object available), reacting to it in later rulesets, then remembering to delete the flag/value before or on saving the document.