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Overview & Introduction


This document is to be used as a guide to FieldTec RuleSet creation and syntax/usage.

Note on Edition 4

This version of the development guide has been modified from the "second edition", "third edition" and "JayRule Usage" documents previously maintained under Google Docs. It has been rewritten in light of changes to the linking of rulesets to templates, and to exclude the Nools specific content, and to focus on usage of the "JayRule ruleset overlay". Other older and less relevant instruction will also be removed.

Audience for this Document

This guide is intended for those who are to create and maintain RuleSet scripts for the Formbird system.

It is not intended as a technical description of how RuleSets are executed, except where it impacts as above.

Knowledge Required

An understanding of Javascript is presumed. This guide does not cover Javascript coding, except where it impacts as above. There are many tutorials on Javascript coding available on the internet (eg ).